“Peppi Nnappa, incarna il siciliano sempliciotto, quello arrendevole, sempre obbediente, sempre a testa bassa. Questa volta però, si sbarazza delle scarpe troppo strette, e si lancia in una tarantella travolgente e liberatoria. E’ la speranza di un cambiamento che riguarda la Sicilia, ma anche il resto del pianeta. Un cambiamento che solo i giovani potranno attuare, grazie alla cultura e alla forza innovativa delle loro idee”.
(Giancarlo Berardi)
"Peppi Nnappa, the carnival character just as important as the more universally known figures, that embodies the Sicilian simpleton, compliant, obedient, his head always bowed. But this time, he throws off his tight fitting shoes and leaps into a liberating and rousing tarantella dance. The hope for change is about Sicily but it is also about the whole planet. A change that only the young can bring about, with their innovation and their culture injected into ideas. The task for our generation is to help them, with our words and our example, to find their way.